Friday, April 30, 2010


I like to go to Tailandia someday. This is a very beautiful country with amazing landscapes. The people of this place have a millennial culture. Also, you can find a high diversity of flora and fauna. Here you can see the most spectaculars beaches in the world: with white and soft sand, tropical climate and near of these great places you can see jungles with palm trees. Even Hollywood arrived to this paradise: they film the movie “the beach” with Leonardo Dicaprio like the man character. Tailandia is a country of Asia. They have two principal religions: Buddhism and Islam. I saw in the TV that in this country exists a “floating market”. To buy something here, you have to go to the river in a boat. The traders sail in canoes and offer their products. I would like to study something related animals of this place, but I wouldn´t like to live forever in this country. Every time that I see in the TV the beauty of this place, I close my eyes and I try to see me in this paradise. I hope that someday I can go to Tailandia and admire all of these things by my own eyes.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The last year

The second term of 2009 was so difficult to me. All people used to say to me that the third year was complicated but I never thought that it will be true. I really was so tired and all that I wanted was the year finished soon. The good think about third year is that you are nearly to be a vet. You have subjects that are more related with medicine and animals. You learn a lot of interesting thinks about how you can tackle the pathologies of our patients. Also I take a subject that was name was “Gym dance”. My friends and I had to create a choreography. It was very funny but I`m a little shy so it was so embarrassing to me. Other good thing of the second term was that I meet new people that today are excellent friends. The subject that was more difficult to me was physiopathology. You have to memorize a million of different things and you don`t have the necessary time to do this. The only thing that I really enjoyed of physiopathology was a clinic case that my group and I had to make. To this work we had a dog called Piri. He was adorable. The problem was that he had a seriously type of cancer and he died. With all the things that I made in the second term of 2009 I discovered that I really love my profession and I want to be the best veterinary.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Four years ago, people used to mobilize in a system very different of buses. The machines were yellow and had different numbering and routes. Today, we have a new one called “Transantiago”. To obtain this project the government had to buy new buses and promote the new system. They were helped for a famous football player called Iván Zamorano. I thing that the new system is better because the machines produce less pollution and have more space to people can use it. The only thing that is worse than the pre-transantiago system is the time that you have to wait to take a bus. One time, I stayed two hours watting for a bus and then I was so bored, so I decided to walk to my home. I think that Transantiago system could be better if they improve the timetable of buses and cleaning these machines more often.