Sunday, April 25, 2010

The last year

The second term of 2009 was so difficult to me. All people used to say to me that the third year was complicated but I never thought that it will be true. I really was so tired and all that I wanted was the year finished soon. The good think about third year is that you are nearly to be a vet. You have subjects that are more related with medicine and animals. You learn a lot of interesting thinks about how you can tackle the pathologies of our patients. Also I take a subject that was name was “Gym dance”. My friends and I had to create a choreography. It was very funny but I`m a little shy so it was so embarrassing to me. Other good thing of the second term was that I meet new people that today are excellent friends. The subject that was more difficult to me was physiopathology. You have to memorize a million of different things and you don`t have the necessary time to do this. The only thing that I really enjoyed of physiopathology was a clinic case that my group and I had to make. To this work we had a dog called Piri. He was adorable. The problem was that he had a seriously type of cancer and he died. With all the things that I made in the second term of 2009 I discovered that I really love my profession and I want to be the best veterinary.

1 comment:

  1. The second term of 2009 was so difficult to me. All people used to say to me that the third year was complicated but I never thought that it will be true. I really was so tired and all that I wanted was the year finished soon. The good SP think about third year is that you are nearly to be a vet. You have subjects that are more related with medicine and animals. You learn a lot of interesting WW thinks about how you can tackle the pathologies of our patients. Also I take a subject that was name was “Gym dance”. My friends and I had to create a choreography. It was very funny but I`m a little shy so it was so embarrassing to me. WW Other good thing of the second term was that I TENSE meet new people that today are excellent friends. The subject that was more difficult to me was physiopathology. You have to memorize a million of different things and you don`t have the necessary time to do this. The only thing that I really enjoyed of physiopathology was a clinic case that my group and I had to make. To this work we had a dog called Piri. He was adorable. The problem was that he had a WF seriously type of cancer and he died. With all the things that I made in the second term of 2009 I discovered that I really love my profession and I want to be the best WF veterinary.

    HEy well I´m glad to hear you´re happy with it...
    well done!
    p.s. you got a 5,8
