Friday, April 30, 2010


I like to go to Tailandia someday. This is a very beautiful country with amazing landscapes. The people of this place have a millennial culture. Also, you can find a high diversity of flora and fauna. Here you can see the most spectaculars beaches in the world: with white and soft sand, tropical climate and near of these great places you can see jungles with palm trees. Even Hollywood arrived to this paradise: they film the movie “the beach” with Leonardo Dicaprio like the man character. Tailandia is a country of Asia. They have two principal religions: Buddhism and Islam. I saw in the TV that in this country exists a “floating market”. To buy something here, you have to go to the river in a boat. The traders sail in canoes and offer their products. I would like to study something related animals of this place, but I wouldn´t like to live forever in this country. Every time that I see in the TV the beauty of this place, I close my eyes and I try to see me in this paradise. I hope that someday I can go to Tailandia and admire all of these things by my own eyes.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi viky!!
    I`ve never heard about the floating market, it sounds great!
    see you!

  3. Yes, the floating market was so funny.
    I like the part of beaches!!!
    I'll like to go there too!
    bye bye

  4. It'd be really cool to visit Thailand. I didn't know it had such impressive ladscapes; and I think the idea of a floating market is really awesome (I neither knew about that).

    Take care Viky... cya in classes

  5. Wow... what a beatiful place!!
    In the picture looks too idyllic and relaxing!..
    would be a good place to relax and forget all the stress!!


  6. I ^like to go to Tailandia someday. This is a very beautiful country with amazing landscapes. The people of this place have a millennial culture. Also, you can find a high diversity of flora and fauna. Here you can see the most spectaculars beaches in the world: with white and soft sand, tropical climate and near of these great places you can see jungles with palm trees. Even Hollywood arrived to this paradise: they film the movie “the beach” with Leonardo Dicaprio like the man character. Tailandia is a country of Asia. They have two WW principal religions: Buddhism and Islam. I saw in the TV that in this country exists a “floating market”. To buy something here, you have to go to the river in a boat. The traders sail in canoes and offer their products. I would like to study something related animals of this place, but I wouldn´t like to live forever in this country. Every time that I see WW in the TV the beauty of this place, I close my eyes and I try to see me in this paradise. I hope that someday I can go to SPANISH NAME Tailandia and admire all of these things by my own eyes.

    I would love to go there as well it must be great!
    p.s. you got a 6,2
