Friday, May 21, 2010

My favorite animal

In the world are a lot of interesting and amazing animals. You can find different species with spectaculars characteristics so, always is difficult to my when someone ask my which is my favorite. For example, I love dogs, whales and exotic animals like the big felines. I think that I like all the animals, but if I have to choose just one of them, I will choose dogs.

The scientific name of dog is Canis lupus familiaris. This specie has around of 300 different races. Is so incredible think about it because all of these types of dog come from the one ancestor: the wolf. For this reason they have the attention of people who study genetic.

I have lot of reasons to love these animals. Following I will explain why I like dogs.

Dogs are very intelligent animals. They can resolve problems like bring something if you ask for them. In internet you a can studies that confirm this attribute of dog. For example, a scientific investigates the ability of dog to recognize an object when you show them with your finger. They discover that dog really look the object and play attention of what are you saying.

They can know what you feel. In my life I have had too dogs. The first was Pelusa and now I have Clementine. I notice that both have a similar comportment in fixed situations. When I was crying, Pelusa always come to me and look to my eyes like saying “don´t cry everything is going to be good” and then she use to put her head in my hands. Clementine makes the same thing and even she knows when you are angry for something that she made.

I like to help dogs just because they deserve this. They are faithful to us and give a lot of love. We have to fight for their rights and have that government legislate about it. Dogs don´t have voice, we have to be their voice. If you don´t like animals, try to think that they are alive like you. Dogs have pain and illness like any human be so we have to make something about it.

I hope be a good vet to help my favorite animals and give them a better quality of life.


  1. hellow viky!
    you know I really love dogs too, they are so faithful and expressive..they are a really good company
    I`m complete sure of the fact that you will be an excellent vet!

  2. Yes viky, you'll a very good vet!
    I hope be a good one too!
    I love dogs too, especially my dog!
    she's the best!

  3. the dogs are great friends!!


  4. Hi vicky!
    Dogs are really great. They are men best friend, that's for sure. And some of them a so smart.

    See you in class!

  5. In the world are a lot of interesting and amazing animals. You can find different species with spectaculars characteristics so, always^ is difficult to my when someone ask my which is my favorite. For example, I love dogs, whales and exotic animals like the big felines. I think that I like all the animals, but if I WF have to choose just one of them, I WF will choose dogs.

    The scientific name of dog is Canis lupus familiaris. This specie has around of 300 different races. ^ Is so incredible think about it because all of these types of dog come from the one ancestor: the wolf. For this reason they have the attention of people who study genetic.

    I have lot of reasons to love these animals. Following I will explain why I like dogs.
    Dogs are very intelligent animals. They can resolve problems like bring something if you ask for them. In internet you a can studies that confirm this attribute of dog. For example, a scientific investigates the ability of dog to recognize an object when you show them with your finger. They discover that dog really look the object and play attention of what are you saying.

    They can know what you feel. In my life I have had SP too dogs. The first was Pelusa and now I have Clementine. I notice that both have a similar WW comportment in fixed situations. When I was crying, Pelusa always come to me and look to my eyes like saying “don´t cry everything is going to be good” and then she SVA use to put her head in my hands. Clementine makes the same thing and even she knows when you are angry for something that she made.

    I like to help dogs just because they deserve this. They are faithful to us and give a lot of love. We have to fight for their rights and have that government legislate about it. Dogs don´t have voice, we have to be their voice. If you don´t like animals, try to think that they are alive like you. Dogs have pain and illness like any human be so we have to make something about it.

    I hope be a good vet to help my favorite animals and give them a better quality of life.

    well done! i agree I love dogs as well... did you see my dog chester?
