Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Faculty

I`m studying veterinary medicine in the Faculty of Science Veterinaries and Livestock of the University of Chile. I think that is a great faculty but we have a lot of thing to improve.

In my opinion the actual situation is not so good because we have a new studying program and it isn`t so good at the moment. The problems of this program are:

- You have mixed subjects. For example, you have parasites and infectious in the same subject. The last year I had 3 or 4 notebooks.

- The new program supposed give us more time to do think like stay in our home or make electives and it isn`t true.

- The evaluation is not appropriated.

- Sometime the doctors teach you fewer contents that they have to pass us.

Another think that it´s not good is the infrastructure. For example, we don`t have a good play to do sports and we need better places to practice our profession. Also the bathrooms are disgusting.

I think that other think that could be better is the relationship between teachers and students. To me is not good that sometimes the teachers treat you like if you were anything.

The best way to improve all of these topics is start to be more auto critical. The program has to give us the tools to be good vets. I think that the program have to be revaluation. We can`t have mixed subject anymore or we will crazy in the end. Also we have to have more time to do things no related with the career so the university has to give us the opportunity and the time to do more electives.

To improve the infrastructure the authorities have to invest more money in our faculty. Maybe could be great if the faculty more people for clean and keep the order.

To finish is important that people who teach in the faculty could have a course of pedagogy. They have to learn how to try with the student and how to teach in a best way.

If all these things could come true, our faculty would be better.


  1. It's so true that you said!
    I'm in favor to revaluation the subject programs
    it's not possible a learn 4 notebook en 1 semester for 1 test (integrative)!

    I think that the real problem is the authorities that don't listen to us!

  2. I`m studying veterinary medicine in the Faculty of Science Veterinaries and Livestock WW of the University of Chile. I think that is a great faculty but we have a lot of thing to improve.

    In my opinion the actual situation is not so good because we have a new studying WW program and it isn`t so good at the moment. The problems of this program are:

    - You have mixed subjects. For example, you have parasites and infectious in the same subject. The last year I had 3 or 4 notebooks. ???

    - The new program supposed give us more time to do think like stay in our home or make electives and it isn`t true.

    - The evaluation is not appropriated.

    - Sometime the doctors teach you fewer contents that they have to pass us.

    Another SP think that it´s not good is the infrastructure. For example, we don`t have a good play to do sports and we need better places to practice our profession. Also the bathrooms are disgusting.

    I think that other think that could be better is the relationship between teachers and students. To me is not good that sometimes the teachers treat you like if you were WW anything.

    The best way to improve all of these topics is start WF to be more auto critical. The program has to give us the tools to be good vets. I think that the program have to be revaluation. We can`t have mixed subject anymore or we will crazy in the end. Also we have to have more time to do things no related with the career so the university has to give us the opportunity and the time to do more electives.

    To improve the infrastructure the authorities have to invest more money in our faculty. Maybe could be great if the faculty more people for clean and keep the order.

    To finish ^ is important that people who teach in the faculty could have a course of WW pedagogy. They have to learn how to try with the student and how to teach in a best way.

    If all these things could come true, our faculty would be better.

    interesting points... now, you have forgotten a bit of the infraestructure... what about it?
    Don't forget some subjetcs and the most important o give some support to your arguments ok?
