Sunday, June 13, 2010

Red list 2009: Endangered species for every country in the world

The human be is responsible of the increase of the number of endangered species. This list of species on ranger of extinction had been going up because animals are losing their habitats. IUCN species programme compiled in a list all this animals and this is the best source of data that we have now.

Some people try to preserve this species with program of breeding in captivity and it`s work very good. The problem is that human still making things that damage the environment and consequently damage the species around the world.

Of all of this endangered species, 6% matches just to one country: Brazil. This can be explained with the deforestation in a zone with a great biodiversity.

Singapore that is a little island, have a lot of endangered species in spite of the small size that Singapore have. They have more endangered species in comparison with other places like USA.

In the TV exits some documentaries that help people to have conscience about what are happened in our planet and with the animals that live here. For example you have: Planet Earth and End of the Line. They try to teach that with just change the food that we eat, we can make the difference.

All people have to think about it if we have to help and save the animals that live with us in this world.



  1. hi vicky!
    this situation is really worrying, I hope this red list not continue increasing

  2. I think that we can change the actual situation of the animals with every like thing that we do, like commenting about this article or saying that you can recycle when someone is polluting.

  3. viky check the first line:
    The human being is responsible of the increase of the number of endangered species.
